Jezreel Valley (Valley of Megiddo)

Jezreel Valley (Valley of Megiddo)



As Solomon said, there is nothing new under the sun. There is nothing new here, except that the information is presented in a format different from the ordinary. The information is over two thousand years old yet many still do not understand. In listening to people talk about the end times, it appears that many are confused about the sequence of the events. They have many of the facts correct, but the order of their facts is jumbled, thus, making it difficult, if not impossible, to understand how everything fits together. This erroneous sequencing results in people not knowing, and many times twisting the facts into nonsensical fairy tale like explanations of the events of the end times.

Everything in prophecy is not laid out in a simple sequence, thus, adding to the difficulty of properly understanding the prophecy and its meaning. There are some teachers and expositors of prophetic scriptures, that, when faced with a difficult passage, simply fit the facts together in such a way that makes sense to them or suits their purpose or agenda. There are also those that have never actually tried to decipher the information and simply try to understand by putting the pieces together from what they have been told by various sources.

Our method has been somewhat different. Instead of taking what we thought we knew and fitting in the missing pieces, we threw away everything and started fresh. We assumed nothing, and brought nothing to the table except a desire to properly understand the events of the end times, and their sequence. We have tried to use scripture to explain scripture. It will be seen that we have left very little to supposition; however, the reader is cautioned that in those few instances where it was necessary to draw a conclusion, we have done so based on the best scriptural information available. Furthermore, when the reader runs across words such as, obviously, appears, apparently, and etc. be warned that the associated information should not be considered as absolute and, therefore, should be treated with caution. In most areas where the information is not conclusive, we refrained from making any statement or we simply state that it is not known.

One will find extensive quotes and citations of scripture. We have used whatever Bible version was necessary to make the meaning clear, and in this electronic format, we have included a tooltip script that, when hovered over, causes a scripture reference to appear in a small tooltip. We are using the King James Version for those tooltips.

We hope that our time and efforts will be of help to all that take the time to study, not just casually scan or quickly read the material. If you have any questions, we will do our best to answer them.

We have no way of knowing if these events are just seconds away from unfolding or if it will be another two thousand years or more before they unfold, but we are absolutely positive that as each day passes, we are one day closer to the Revelation of Jesus Christ.